People’s Forum Online Review – Repairing Party History as a -Required Course- for Youth

“One must always remember the journey that brought them to this point, no matter how far they go.” History acts as a reflective surface; it sheds light on both our present circumstances and future possibilities. Today’s young leaders need to regard the study of party history as a fundamental aspect of their development, continuously improving themselves through the inspiring figures of the past. They should embrace their mission, stay true to their original intentions, and strive for achievements that resonate with their youth and the current era.

**Cultivating a Strong Political Character Rooted in Loyalty to the Party**: “When we identify exceptional young leaders, our primary criterion is their loyalty to the party. Likewise, in their training, we prioritize instilling this loyalty.” History serves as an invaluable instructor. From Xia Minghan, who famously asserted, “It doesn’t matter if I lose my head as long as my beliefs remain true,” to Zhao Yiman’s passionate statement, “I would sacrifice my life to nourish China with my blood,” and Chen Xiangrong’s heartfelt declaration, “Pure love, only for China,” countless revolutionary heroes have shown through their sacrifices that loyalty to the party is far from a mere slogan. Young leaders should embrace “loyalty to the party” as an unwavering conviction. By engaging thoroughly with party history, they can enhance their political judgment, understanding, and execution—viewing loyalty as a lifelong commitment that continually strengthens their resolve and dedication to service.

**Fostering a Genuine Heart for the People**: President Xi Jinping remarked, “A political party, like an individual, values the capacity to endure hardships while maintaining sincerity.” The welfare of the people is paramount, with every detail being significant. From “People’s servant” Jiao Yulu to “Medicine box secretary” Kong Fansen, and the “Most Beautiful Village Official” Huang Wenxiu, generations of Communists have dedicated themselves to the happiness of the Chinese populace and the rejuvenation of the nation, serving selflessly and securing an enduring place in the hearts of the people. Young leaders must nurture this original intention in their studies of party history, embracing a spirit of selflessness and ensuring strong connections with the public, staying focused on their needs and prioritizing the community’s welfare above all else.

**Emphasizing a Sense of Responsibility and Mission**: The people’s aspiration for a better life remains the steadfast goal of our party. A leader’s ability to connect with the public is a crucial measure of their competence and maturity. Young leaders should draw insights and strength from studying party history, honing their skills in analyzing situations, strategizing, empathizing, and engaging with grassroots communities. By genuinely understanding and addressing the concerns of the people, they can become trusted allies and support systems for their communities. They must face the contemporary challenges head-on, embodying a spirit of hard work and accountability, addressing complex issues, and ensuring effective communication with the public. Through tangible actions, they can deliver a satisfactory report to both the party and the people. (Author: Qi Weihua)
Source: Peoples Forum Online 【Editor: Wang Chao】

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